MIB Expert Talk Series
Medical Imaging & Artificial Intelligence Twice a year, we offer you an Expert Talk on varying topics around Medical Imaging and Image Analysis using AI. Register to our Newsletter , if you don’t want to miss any upcoming talks.
The second Expert Talk of the Medical Imaging Center Bonn (MIB) was held on March 14th 2022 by Prof. Shadi Albarqouni , Radiology, University Hospital Bonn
Dr. Daniel Paech und Inga Krause (Medizinische Doktorandin in der Arbeitsgruppe von Daniel Paech) diskutieren MRT-Aufnahmen eines Patienten mit Hirntumor (© Paech, D. UK Bonn)
Dear colleagues, dear students, dear guests, the Medical Imaging Center Bonn is happy to announce the launch of a new expert talk series on Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence. We are cordially inviting you to join us for the first talk, given by Prof. Alexander Radbruch, on December 15th 2021 at 15:30h (CET):Bridging the last mile – Applicability of AI in MR-Imaging The event will be held via Zoom only, follow this link to join:https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/95584534302?pwd=WVNDQjkyMm1lT05KYm9OUGVXSXAxUT09 Meeting-ID: 955 8453 4302 Password: MIB We look very much forward to seeing you online.